Sunday, October 30, 2011

Author Spotlight and Giveaway with HK Savage!

Guest blogger, HK Savage, published through Staccato Publishing:

Like most of us, I love books. Give me a good character and I don’t care if they are from the past, in space or living in an alternate dimension, I love a great story. The Path is my 6th published book and I’m getting some great feedback on it. It was fun to write because, like everything else I write, it is a stretch of the imagination and let’s me play “what if?” That is my favorite premise. Whether I am writing about supernatural creatures (The Empath Trilogy), stretches of modern medicine (Life Blood and Blood Bound), or as in this case, magick. I know, I waffled on the “k” in magick but in the end, it has become readily accepted as the way to differentiate between manipulating the energies and creating an illusion that you’ve made The Statue of Liberty disappear.

Much like my peers and of course those far more famous than I, I thoroughly enjoy exploring alternate realities and seeing where that lets my characters roam. So far it’s been great fun and I already have another book, Whispers, that I’m hearing great things about due out around the first of the year. I’ve been asked why I still like stories that couldn’t be true and I always say, “how do you know?” Though really, I love stories that stretch my mind to places it doesn’t normally go because I don’t want to read a book about a woman who comes home, makes dinner and handles homework. Isn’t that what we’re reading to escape? My stories are always about adventure, character growth and a fun cast of characters. And of course some romance.

Writing has been so much fun and apparently didn’t keep me busy enough that in March I gathered some very talented people and we opened Staccato Publishing to help other writers fulfill their dream of seeing their books in print (or on some digital device). Our happy little band is growing with our third author having just joined us for publishing, and many manuscripts being received inhouse for straight editing for those choosing to self publish.

One of our authors, Jay Mims, has just released his debut novel The Five Santas and we’re looking forward to seeing him at his first signings coming up in October and November at bookstores in South Carolina. As soon as he is done promoting this one he’s promised me a peek at what he’s written for book two. And our third author is a great woman still working on her pen name and her latest round of edits to her paranormal romance, Bella Notte.

Without any further shameless plugging (believe it or not I actually hate that part), here is a snippet of The Path. Happy reading!

The Path by HK Savage

“What does that mean? I can make people like me? You said that before and that’s not magick by my definition.” He wasn’t impressed.

Cassie hadn’t explained it right. Puffing up her cheeks, she blew out in a big gush and tried another tack.

“Not just like you.” She clarified. “You can make people do things for you. It’s an incredibly useful tool for manipulating people, and yours is really strong.” Cassie watched him carefully. “You could make someone rob a bank for you, kill for you, fall in love with you, anything.”

She didn’t know why she said the last she must have been tired. But Cassie saw his misgivings; he was not excited about his magick. In what was becoming a sick cycle, Cassie felt the pleasure and pain associated with her mission. If educated on how to wield his magick she was sure Drew wouldn’t use it to hurt anyone though an ability such as his would have tempted even the morally incorruptible Sir Galahad. “I think you should go to the Academy Drew. I really think you would be a great Investigator and what a fantastic place for a talent like yours.” Too anxious to stop talking, Cassie went on. “Julia’s that way too. She can get almost anyone to tell her things. Except you, but that was the stone. You should have seen the look on her face when she told us not only did you block her out but you were charming her.” Cassie guffawed at the memory. “No one has ever fought her off before but you did. It might have been different if she’d touched you or gotten something of yours, then she might have had you.”

He was running his hands through his hair feeling sticky and gritty at the same time, focusing on the tactile preferring it to the less visible things Cassie was going on about. “It was the ring, that’s all.” He objected weakly, remembering back to his childhood when he’d been able to do no wrong. Teachers loved him, friends’ parents and coaches, it was always the same thing; if Drew wanted it, he got it. Luckily his parents had been well grounded and the only ones able to say no. Looking back he wondered if they hadn’t had a little magick of their own to be able to keep him at bay. He wished he could see them one more time if nothing else than to thank them for keeping him from turning into a monster.

“Only part of it was the ring. It had to get its direction from you.” She wouldn’t listen to his objections. “If I were wearing it, it would do something different maybe bend the metal in the bar or something.” She referred to hers being a physical magick. “But on you it brought out your strengths, getting people to trust you and to like you. It’s something you do naturally.” Her voice was more subdued. “You’re doing it now, that’s why I pushed you out of my head.”

Comprehension lit in his eyes. “That was what I felt? You pushing me away?”


“Why didn’t it happen like this before? Have I ever ‘influenced’ you before, you know, made you do something you didn’t want to do?” Drew worried for the first time he’d taken advantage of her, of any of the women he’d been with. Here he had been worrying whether he should be with her when it was possible he’d not left her any choice in the matter. That he would only have to snap his fingers to bring her to his bed.

“No, I was able to guard against your influence before.” She shook her head.

“Aren’t you guarding yourself now?” He asked the question awkwardly, the concept felt strange.

Cassie’s sagging frame answered better than words. “I’m tired. It’s harder now and I’m slipping.” She watched all of this new and heady information sink in. He stared at his hands, fingers running over the back of the finger where the stone used to sit whether out of habit or if he was thinking back and questioning everything he’d ever done, every friend and woman he’d ever had. Wondering if any of it had been real.

About the author:

HK lives in the frozen hinterlands of the far North. The long, cold months provide ample opportunity to hunker down with her computer and create adventures far more enticing than scraping ice and getting frostbite.

Between books, HK reads voraciously. Anything with a good plot and compelling characters are her broad parameters. One is as likely to catch her with a copy of Don Quixote as with the latest in Gail Carriger’s steampunk series.

HK practices martial arts, rides her horse, gardens and plays with her family every chance she gets. Next winter she intends to brush up on her spanish and escape the cold for somewhere more tropical.


Cassie Porter’s family pushed her to be an agent for Veritas, the agency responsible for policing witches who live side by side with "regulars". Veritas promised her a life off the Reservation with a way to support her father and Grandmother. The problem is, Cassie is on probation due to the volatility of her mixed magick, a byproduct of her mixed blood.

Julia Decartes, a matronly Vodou practitioner and Quan Long, an elemental witch from the headwaters of the Yangtze are entrusted with bringing along Cassie’s magickal ability while attempting to keep her from killing anyone including herself in the process.

Investigating a witch and cult leader in Tampa, Cassie meets Drew Carter and discovers the powerful abilities both he and his brother are hiding as well as the terrible plan the witch has set into motion.

Drew pairs up with Cassie when his brother goes missing. It’s through their joint effort that Cassie untangles her power and Drew finds the world where he really belongs.

Available at the following places:

Barnes & Noble

Giveaway!!! HK is generously giving away 5 ecopies of The Path! To enter, leave a comment on this blog post with your email address. The giveaway is open through November 6th.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cherished blog tour & Giveaway!!

Welcome to the Cherished blog tour! I have an interview with author Belinda Boring, aka The Bookish Snob, that you won't want to miss - as well as a giveaway! You can read my review for this wonderful novella HERE.


How long have you been living in America?

I’ve been living here almost 12 years. Wow … that seems like such a long time, no wonder I’ve been feeling so homesick. I came here for a vacation to visit some friends and never went home. Instead, I fell in love, got married and I’ve been living my happily ever after ever since. Well, as happily as you can be when you’re living in the desert! LOL

What kinds of things do you miss most about Australia?

Is it okay to say EVERYTHING? I obviously miss my family. That’s been one of the most difficult things about moving to another country. I left behind people who loved and knew me and it’s hard not being able to get in the car whenever I want to go visit. Thank goodness for phones and Facebook or I’d go crazy!

I also miss the food, the beaches and surprisingly the transportation system. I lived in Sydney and for $20 a week; I could ride all the buses and trains I wanted within the grid and go wherever I wanted. There was no car maintenance, worry about gas prices etc. I just got on board, pulled out a book and read. Hmmm… only bad thing was on summer days and packed buses. Nothing screams ICK than sweaty pits near your face LOL

Tell us how you came up with the name of your blog, The Bookish Snob.

It was actually my best friend Lacey who came up with it. I’m pretty sure it’s because I only read a specific genre of books and very, very rarely venture outside of it. I love reading romance and urban fantasy! People would tell me “Hey, you should read this book.” And the first thing I’d ask was “Is it a romance?” If they said no, I replied “Not interested, thanks anyway.” Lacey called me a book snob because of it, and the name stuck. She was also the one who created my blog. She was forever saying I needed to become a blogger and I kept side stepping her with excuses. I came home one day to a text, “Bels, I’ve created a blog for you. Here are the passwords. Go have fun!” The rest was history.

When did you begin writing?

It was about two years ago. I’ve always liked to write but never had the confidence, leaving it to the essays I would do in college. A friend suggested I try writing for fun and I laughed so hard at him. I vowed no one would ever read anything I’d done but next thing I knew I started writing a fan fiction. I brought it in for him to see and expected him to laugh. He smiled and said “Keep going.” Next, I wrote a short story about my fan obsession with the Jonas Brothers. I was hooked and it went from there. I fully intended to just finish each book, have it printed and then put it on my book shelf. It wasn’t until I met Lacey, that I realized “Why not share it with everyone?”

How do you find time to organize blog tours along with reading, writing, and reviewing?

I have a time turner. Hermione found a spare one and sent it to me because I didn’t have enough hours in the day to do everything I wanted. Just kidding! Man, it looks like a lot, doesn’t it? I don’t know where the time comes from. I have a schedule I try hard to stick with and I try to be as flexible as I can with it. So far everything has worked out and it helps a lot to have an office where I do all my work. Before, I was constantly attached to my laptop because I was forever working on it. I give myself a time limit for everything and do the best I can.

Do you have any hobbies?

I like doing a few things with my spare time (Hahaha what’s that?) I LOVE going to the movies and watching some of the latest releases. My husband has me addicted to some of the recent comic movies and it’s been a lot of fun to see. He thinks I understand his passion but for me, it’s all about the sexy hero!

I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE going to the local high school football games. I’m not ashamed to admit I used to think American football was a game for wusses because of all the padding and taking breaks between plays. I’ve been going with my BFF to watch her son play and have been completely converted. When I’m not cheering and screaming loudly, I have people explaining plays to me and thankfully, it hasn’t been too hard to understand. Now I count down the days to each game.

Did anybody in-particular inspire the main characters in the Mystic Wolves series?

Not to begin with. The idea for Mystic Wolves came from a dream I had and initially, Without Mercy was going to be a stand-alone in an anthology. It wasn’t until I released it that I started thinking of it as a series. Going into Cherished though, the more I wrote Mason, the more I realized I was channeling my husband, Mark. Both of these men have incredible patience and compassion, doing whatever it takes to show the woman they love just how important they are.

How many novellas will be in the Mystic Wolves series?

Right now I have 5-6 loosely outlined storylines. I’m not sure what will happens after that but I’m sure if Mason and Darcy have more to share, they’ll let me know and I’ll keep writing.

What would your ideal career be if you couldn't be an author or organize blog tours?

This has changed so many times. Up until the last year, my ideal career was being a therapist and working in the Mental Health field. It’s what I went to school for and I had big plans. Then I started reading which turned to blogging which turned to writing and promoting. If I couldn’t do any of that, I would still want to be in the book world. I’ve talked with my husband about opening up a book store with a café. It would be something we could do together and at nights, we could host writing workshops. Who knows what the future holds?

What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on two projects – Blood Oath, which is the next installment in the Mystic Wolves series, and Broken Promises, the first book in the Brianna Lane series. Broken Promises will be a full length novel and involves the Fae. I’m excited to share both of them with everyone, especially Blood Oath because you get a closer look at Devlin, the sexy vampire enforcer. Talk about a character that talks your ear off! He’s a lot of fun to write and he’s the perfect addition to the series.

About the author

A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.

With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.

Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!

For a moment, Darcy almost convinced herself the last twelve hours didn’t happen. As image after image hits her, the sinking realization of all she’s lost overwhelms her and all she can think of is to run. Run far away where her shame can’t find her, and most of all, where she’ll never have to see the look of blame in Mason’s eyes. Feeling like a complete failure, she scrambles to make plans. But the voice of her mate-to-be penetrates her frantic thoughts, asking for the chance to show her just how much she is loved.

It hurts Mason deeply to hear Darcy’s thoughts, knowing the events of the previous night have completely rattled her. Grieving over the death of his beloved sister Jasmine, Mason knows he has to act fast. Darcy is all he’s ever wanted and the idea of life without her is unacceptable. Armed with his unswerving love and wolfish charm, he sets out to remind Darcy just how valuable she is and why there is no one else for him but her.

Can Darcy let go of the shame of failure consuming her or will Mason convince her that after all is said and done, she truly is… Cherished?

Find this book at the following places:
Barnes & Noble


Giveaway!!! One lucky winner will receive an ecopy of Cherished! To enter, just leave a comment on this blog post with your email address. Contest open through November 5th!

Keep following this tour, because there is an AWESOME giveaway on the final stop:

Next stop: Oct. 31st - The Worm Hole

To view a complete list of all tour stops, visit The Bookish Snob Promotions.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Review: Expendable by Maggie Jaimeson

Title: Expendable
Author: Maggie Jaimeson
Source: received through blog tour in exchange for an honest review


After a bitter fight, Jenna Mosier's pregnant sister ran away. Now, ten years later, Tanya is dead—murdered. A bloody note clutched in her hand pleads for someone to rescue her baby—a child Jenna must find to make up for not saving her sister.

Former Marine Reed Adler thought he left danger behind when he retired from Special Ops command. But faced with a dead body and a terrified ten-year-old boy in his backyard—and a mesmerizing woman who’s tied to both—Reed finds himself pulled into his most complex mission yet.

Ensnared in a dangerous mystery involving biogenetics research and children with no identities, Jenna and Reed must rely on each other for survival. Yet the closer they get to danger, the more intense their feelings for each other become. The cost of saving her nephew may be their hearts…and their lives.


Expendable is a story full of mystery, suspense, and romance. Jenna and Reed are 2 middle aged individuals brought together by a dead body and a lost child. Jenna finds out that her sister – whom she hasn't seen in 10 years – is found dead. Jenna also finds out that her sister had a child, and it's up to her to find and protect this little boy.

Reed is a former Marine who just recently retired. Not only does he find the body of Jenna's sister and Jenna's nephew David, he also rescues Jenna from the same people who murdered her sister. When Reed and Jenna work together to figure out the murder mystery, they find that there is so much more going on than they could have ever imagined.

I haven't read a book quite like this before. I mostly stick with paranormal romances, and I don't believe I've ever read a book in the mystery/suspense genre. Romance pulls me in every time though, and a nice romance takes place in this story. Reed struggles with having PTSD. He has flashbacks that interfere with his life. I like how both of these characters are flawed, but they both have wonderful qualities as well that help strengthen each other. They are a good fit and they have good chemistry.

The plot in this book is really interesting. The villain in this story is a sick and twisted individual that adds to the complexity of the plot. There's a variety of elements in this book that will attract a variety of readers. If you're a fan of action, mystery, suspense, romance, or even erotica – then this book has something you will enjoy.

Find this book at the following places:
Amazon (paperback)
Amazon (Kindle)
Barnes & Noble
The Wild Rose Press

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fate Fixed blog tour!

Welcome to the Fate Fixed blog tour! I am excited to be part of this tour - I've actually had my eye on this book for awhile now :) Keep reading for more on this book, and an interview with the author!


When did you begin writing?

Other than the occasional poem or journal entry, I began writing in May of this year. I had the idea for the Erris Coven Series and just knew I wanted to write Fate Fixed.

What is your biggest challenge of being an author?

I’m new to writing so I still have many challenges. I think the biggest is making time to write. I wish I could write every day, but I have a busy life that doesn’t want to slow down.

What do you love most about being an author?

I love hearing from readers who loved my novel! Whether they write me on Facebook or on Goodreads, I love when they are passionate about my story. I especially love it when they tell me they loved my characters. It makes me so happy.

What do you do in your spare time?

In my spare time I take care of my family and attend the University of Connecticut where I am

in my senior year.

What are some of your favorite movies/tv shows?

My favorite shows are usually supernatural in nature. The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Being Human, Haven and The Nine Lives of Chloe King are probably my favorites. For movies, I love Life as a House, The Twilight Saga, Requiem for a Dream, and Charlie St. Cloud, to name a few.

Who are some of your favorite authors?

I love Jane Austen, Christopher Pike, Megg Jensen, Frank McCourt, and Melissa Marr.

How many books have you written?

The only book I have published is Fate Fixed, although I have a few more in the works.

What would your ideal career be, if you couldn't be an author?

I would be a social worker in an adoption agency. My youngest is adopted and I would love to help make families happy and complete each day!

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Only to give yourself permission to write the story only you can tell. Flick the critic off your

shoulder when it tries to tell you that you do not have a story to tell.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently putting the finishing touches on Blood Twist: Book 2 in The Erris Coven Series.

About the author:

Bonnie Wheeler lives in Torrington, Connecticut with her husband and three children. When she isn’t writing or spending time with her family, she is attending classes at the University of Connecticut. Bonnie loves cooking, writing, reading, and shopping. Fate Fixed was released in July and is the first novel in The Erris Coven Series. She is hoping to release the sequel later this Fall.

Find the author at her blog:

When Lexie Anderson’s mother suddenly announces she is marrying a Romanian immigrant, Lexie willingly leaves behind her busy life in Connecticut for her penance in “The Moose Capital of the World.” Small town living is strange enough, now Lexie must cope with her overbearing stepfamily monitoring her every move. They disappear into the woods at night and keep a strange secret locked in their shed. Her once calm mother is now having violent outbursts and Lexie’s little sister is hearing sinister sounds coming from the forest behind their new home. Lexie’s biggest surprise comes when she discovers the boy she has been dreaming about since her accident is living in Maine. Despite Torin’s questionable reputation, Lexie cannot resist the physical and emotional attraction pulsating between them. Animals and people in town are turning up dead and Lexie learns the strange new world she lives in has real life monsters. Just when she decides she wants to be with Torin forever, she must fight to protect her mother and sister from being harmed by a formidable evil.

Find this book at the following places:

Amazon (Kindle)

Amazon (paperback)

Barnes & Noble


Keep following this tour for chances to win! On the last stop of the tour, Bonnie will be giving away 3 ecopies and 1 signed copy of Fate Fixed! Visit The Bookish Snob Promotions for a complete list of tour stops.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Big list of winners!!

Some of these giveaways I'm a bit behind on posting. If you haven't already been contacted, you will be contacted soon :)

Halloween costume:
Linda (lindadao2060)

ecopy of Betraying the Pack:
Anne R

ecopy of Lust After Death:
Stephanie O.

ecopy of Expendable:
Nightly Cafe (bkwalkerbooks)

ecopy of Diamonds & Toads:
jackie b

ecopy of Blood Awakening (from Burden of Blood tour)
Chelsea Rafferty

ecopy of Betrayed
Daniela (dany7578)

ecopy of The Keepers
Ifrah (starlight023)

Descended by Blood bookmarks:
Kristina (kristinaleigh)
Rachel (rachybee)

ecopy of Where the Rain is Made (Land of Falling Stars tour):
Molly (Reviews by Molly)

Congrats to all the winners!!!

Review: Land of Falling Stars by Keta Diablo

Title: Land of Falling Stars
Author: Keta Diablo
Source: received through blog tour in exchange for an honest review


Penniless, her parents and brother dead, Sophia Whitfield struggles to save her beloved childhood home during the Civil War. Another bluecoat is staggering down the hill, but before Sophia allows him to rob and pilfer like the others, she shoots him. How is she to know it is Gavin, the dark knight of her youth, carrying secrets too horrific to imagine and a passion that ignites her deepest desires? As Sophia gradually learns Gavin's secrets--and enjoys his talents in the bedroom--she discovers how to finally know her own heart. Can she save the Land of Falling Stars, or will she lose it all to the horrors of the War and Reconstruction? And will the Southern lady and the Yankee soldier be able to recapture the bliss of their youth--this time in each other's arms?


Land of Falling Stars is a wonderful historical romance that takes place during the Civil War. Sophia has lost everything. Her parents and brother were killed. Jesse, the man she is to marry, hasn't returned from the war. When Sophia and Jesse's childhood friend comes back home from the war, Sophia is confused by her feelings for Gavin. As they slowly become closer, Gavin continues to keep the truth from Sophia – that Jesse isn't ever coming back.

I haven't read many historical romances – I mostly stay in the paranormal romance genre. I really enjoyed this book though, and it definitely pays to read outside your usual genre every now and then. I have to admit that Sophia and Gavin both drove me insane!! Sophia is a stubborn, spoiled brat. Gavin is a stubborn jerk. They both are so stubborn when it comes to their pride, they continually risk their relationship. Just when you think that it will never work, they fall into each others arms with so much passion it heats up the pages.

This book is filled with so many different emotions. One moment you may be fanning yourself from their intense love making, the next moment might make you teary-eyed, and a little bit later you might find yourself thoroughly frustrated with these characters – but you'll love every minute of it. I wasn't quite expecting the book to end where it did, I wanted to know more. I don't know if there will be a sequel or not, but I would love to read more about these characters.

Find this book at the following places:
Barnes & Noble

Find the author at her blog:

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Lost blog tour & Giveaway!!!

Welcome to the blog tour for The Lost! Caridad Pineiro is a NY Times Bestselling Author, and I'm honored to be a part of this tour. I haven't had a chance to review The Lost yet, but it sounds AMAZING and my review will be coming soon! Keep reading to find out more about this book, the author, and a cool giveaway!

Adam Bruno is no ordinary millionaire. The heir to an ancient race possessing a dark, powerful magic, he can shapeshift and create energy. His gifts make him a living weapon and have forced him to live in seclusion. But now an inhuman force hunts down Adam-just when he finds someone who makes him feel more human than he ever imagined possible . . .

Home from combat in Iraq, Bobbie Carerra wants only peace, yet soon joins Adam in a terrifying battle against paranormal enemies who hide in plain sight. She's drawn to his strength of mind and body; he's attracted to her courage and intoxicating energy. Their scorching passion can either transport them to the heights of ecstasy or-if Adam's powers rage out of control-destroy them. But when an invisible brotherhood tightens its nets and someone Adam trusts betrays him, only a heartrending decision can save them.

Find this book at the following places:

Amazon (Kindle)
Amazon (print)
Barnes & Noble

About the author:

Caridad Piñeiro® is a multi-published and award-winning author whose love of the written word developed when her fifth grade teacher assigned a project – to write a book that would be placed in a class lending library. She has been hooked on writing ever since.

From the start, Caridad’s novels have received acclaim and have helped redefine the landscape of modern romance novels. In 1999, Caridad was published by Kensington as part of Encanto, the first line of bilingual Latino romance novels. In 2000, Caridad was one of the first Latino authors featured at the launch of BookExpo America’s Spanish Pavillion. In December 2006, Caridad helped Silhouette launch its successful Nocturne paranormal line with DEATH CALLS, one of the novels in the award-winning THE CALLING Vampire series. In addition, Caridad has appeared at BookExpo America on numerous occasions and has captained both the multicultural and vampire genre panels at the RT BookClub Conventions.

Caridad’s CHICAS novels, including her seventeenth release, SOUTH BEACH CHICAS CATCH THEIR MAN from Simon & Schuster’s Downtown Press, have garnered praise from both fellow authors and reviewers and are helping to make Latina fiction a vital part of the publishing mainstream.

In recognition of her work, Caridad has received various awards and honors. In 2007, a year marked by the debut of six novels from Harlequin and Pocket Books, Caridad received the Golden Apple Award Author of the Year Award from the New York City Chapter of the Romance Writers of America. Other honors that Caridad has received include the selection of DANGER CALLS and DEATH CALLS as the Top Fantasy Books of 2005 and 2006 by CATALINA magazine, the Cataromance Reviewers Choice Award for Best Nocturne in 2006 and the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf award in 2001 for Best Short Contemporary. Her other titles have received a number of nominations, such as the Harlequin Readers Choice Awards and RIO Reviewers Choice Awards. Both DANGER CALLS and SEX AND THE SOUTH BEACH CHICAS have been book club selections.

Caridad’s eighteenth novel, MOON FEVER, a paranormal anthology with Maggie Shayne, Susan Sizemore and Lori Handeland, debuted in late September 2007 as #32 on the New York Times Extended Bestseller list and #123 on the USA TODAY Bestseller List. HOLIDAY WITH A VAMPIRE, a paranormal anthology with Maureen Child, made the BookScan Top 100 Adult Fiction list.

In 2009, Caridad will debut a new paranormal romantic suspense series with Grand Central Publishing. The first novel in the series, SINS OF THE FLESH, will be released in November 2009.

Caridad has appeared on Romance Novel Television, Fox Television’s Good Day New York Early Edition , New Jersey News’ Jersey’s Talking with Lee Leonard and WGN-TV’s Adelante Chicago. Articles featuring Caridad’s works have appeared in the New York Daily News, Catalina, RT BookClub, NJ Monthly, Star Ledger, Home Tribune News, Sun Sentinel, Variety Yahoo! Online News, Latina and the Waterbury Republican-American.

When not writing, Caridad teaches workshops on various topics related to writing and heads a writing group. Caridad is also an attorney, wife and mother.

Also about the Author:

Caridad was born in Havana, Cuba, and settled in the New York Metropolitan area. She attended Villanova University on a Presidential Scholarship and graduated magna cum laude. Caridad earned her juris doctor from St. John’s University and became the first female partner of Abelman, Frayne & Schwab, an intellectual property firm in midtown Manhattan.

Giveaway: Caridad is giving one lucky winner a t-shirt from the book The Lost, as well as an e-copy of her book Rookie of the Year. T-shirt is open to U.S. shipping only. Giveaway will be open through October 31st. Please leave an email address with your comment. Good luck!

For a list of all participating blogs, please visit Bewitching Book Tours:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blog Tour De Force - last day and Giveaway!!

Today is day #6 of Blog Tour De Force - and that means it's the last day for free ebooks! Today I'm sponsoring author Lacey Weatherford - who is one of my favorite authors by the way. If you leave a comment on this blog post with your email, you will receive The Demon Kiss (in ebook format) absolutely free! The Demon Kiss is book #2 in the Of Witches and Warlocks series - which is an AWESOME series! You can find my review HERE. Many of you probably received book #1, The Trouble With Spells, when Lacey did the last Blog Tour De Force. I just love how the authors participating in these tours are so generous and give so many copies away!

Then hop on over to Lacey Weatherford's blog and enter to win an awesome gift basket! As you may know, authors participating in the Blog Tour De Force are posting on each others blogs - and readers try to guess which author is posting on which blog. If you guess correctly, you will gain extra entries for the KINDLE drawing!

Oh, and that's not all! I have some Lacey Weatherford swag sitting on my desk right in front of me. I have some extra... I wonder if there is anyone out there that might like a postcard, bookmark, trading card... Be sure to let me know in your comment if you would like to be entered in the swag giveaway :)

If you're not familiar with this book, here is the synopsis for you:

Can someone else's past come back to bite you?

After being drained of nearly all the blood in her body, novice witch, Portia Mullins, wakes up to find that her warlock boyfriend, Vance Mangum, has fled in search of his demon father. Determined to keep him from facing the evil alone Portia follows after him, unknowingly setting herself on the path of a new adventure that will take her, Vance, and their coven over international borders, into a foreign place where they will discover that the black magic which awaits them is far worse than they ever imagined. Portia finds herself tangled up in a web of lies and deceit in another's quest for demonic power in the excitingly romantic second paranormal novel in the Of Witches and Warlocks Series, The Demon Kiss.

Review: Break Away by Tatiana Vila

Title: Break Away
Author: Tatiana Vila
Source: received from the author in exchange for an honest review


Ice Queen. That's what everyone calls Dafne at school. The girl with the striking looks of a Raven Princess but whose cold-steeled touch freezes everyone in her way. Her reputation works for her and she even likes it. People don't mess with her—except for her sister's infuriatingly handsome boyfriend, Ian, who loves pushing her subzero temper to its limits.

Life in Berryford is flowing exactly as she wants it—no drama, no boy trying to get into her pants—until she starts noticing odd, glazed-eyed students everywhere. Something weird is happening and, unusual enough for her, she needs to find out why. But when people start falling into a coma with no reason, among them Dafne's sister, she decides to take the matter in her hands, because if her intuition is right, this isn't something doctors or virologists can fight. This is something…more.

With frustration and guilt leading her way, and Ian forcing himself to her side, Dafne will step onto a road that'll open her eyes to why ignorance is bliss, why hate is so close to love, and why our imagination might be the most dangerous weapon ever known.


This is the first book in Tatiana Vila's Away series. It's a paranormal book without the usual paranormal creatures. The story is about a 17 year old girl named Dafne, who has been deeply hurting since the loss of her parents. When her sister is one of several people who have fallen into a coma for no known reason, Dafne has a gut feeling that it is more than a virus that is to blame. One interesting question arises in this story – Where do you go when you dream?

I have to admit that I had a little trouble getting into this book during the first half, though I can't put my finger on exactly why. I guess I didn't really like Dafne's attitude so I had trouble connecting with her. I feel that I connect more with a character when they have qualities that are similar to mine. Dafne grew on me during the second half of the book, and we found out why she has this major attitude problem with Ian – her sisters boyfriend.

The second half of the book involved some sexual tension and some heavy kissing, and that's always a good thing in my opinion. Also during the second half, we meet Comus. He's definitely a character that keeps things interesting. The paranormal qualities toward the end caught my interest as well. If I gave half star ratings, I would give this 3.5 stars. I think teens and young adults would really like this. If you're looking for something a little different from the norm, I would give this a try.

Find author Tatiana Vila here:

Find Break Away at the following places:

And you still have time to enter the giveaway HERE

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cafe Press store!

As a way to get money to buy our kids Christmas presents this year - because we are so broke - I have opened up a Cafe Press store. This weekend, basic adult short-sleeved t-shirts are 25% off with Coupon code HAUNT25. These would make great Christmas present ideas. Please check out my shop, these are just a few of the many items available:

If you have any other good sayings I could add, let me know :)
Click HERE or on one of the items above to visit my store!

Give Me blog tour!

Welcome to the Give Me blog tour! So, I have to confess... I have overbooked myself and have gotten behind on reviews. I'm hoping to get a lot of reading done over the weekend. I'm really looking forward to this one. In the meantime, let's get to know more about this book and author!

An adult fairy tale about magic gone wrong.

A young witch tries to save two lovers in mortal danger, but her spell ends in disaster ...

While touring a ruined castle in the west of England, Lilith Evergreen feels a sudden and overwhelming attraction to guide Cade Bausiney. Cade is instantly drawn to Lilith as well, but can he trust his feelings? Their desire might only be sparked by dark and dangerous magic.

Lilith and Cade must break the spell or be forever possessed by spirits who've waited a millennium to consummate their love.



“Give me your hand.”
The deep, self-confident voice sent a flutter of excitement through Lilith’s solar plexus. A man emerged from the mist and steam, his gloved hand outstretched. He was tall and red and big-boned. His ruddy complexion looked like it had rebelled once but had given up the fight. He had shaggy chestnut hair and green eyes that hinted of dangerous sex.
“Lilith Evergreen, I presume?” The West Country accent was tinged with humor.
His face was rough and unhandsome. His voice was jagged like a demon lover’s – low and crushed velvety, promising things no good woman should wish for.
He tipped his moss green hat, a Mad Hatter’s bell crown topper, and bowed with a flourish. “Cade Bausiney, tour guide extraordinaire. Ian has commandeered my rig to haul the lot of you to the Tragic Fall.”
“Very generous of you to comply.”
“I thought so.”
His duster reached mid calf, and his long scarf was also the color of dark moss, identical to the one Marion had been knitting. Again he offered his gloved hand. Lilith’s hand disappeared in his, so tiny and pink in its little glove. Beside him, she felt downright delicate.
A hot current of desire zapped through her as he handed her down. Their eyes met. She was sure he’d felt it too. She pulled her hand away – or maybe he’d dropped it. The urge to grab this man, this stranger, was almost overwhelming. It was as if she’d become a different person. She wanted to kiss him, tear his clothes off and pull him inside her.
She looked around the platform, needing desperately to think of anything else.
Tintagos Halt consisted of an old stone building anchored to a wide wood platform. A rusting iron bench at one end looked unused for a generation. Garish posters covered the ancient building’s walls. You Might Be Next! Visit Famous Tintagos Castle! Who Will Be Chosen? A Once in a Lifetime Event!
Bausiney brushed his hand over Lilith’s upper arm. He wrinkled his nose at her bare skin and said, “Dumnos is a land of mist and rain. We put so much effort into our literature, and no one reads it.”
One side of his mouth curved down. She must have imagined that he had felt the same bizarre heat. He draped his scarf around her, and she caught her breath as he gave her a slight squeeze and said, “That’s better now.”
The steam whistle blasted the air, as startling as a physical assault. She and Bausiney jammed their hands over their ears until it stopped. Fortunately, the shock of the blast drove away Lilith’s sex-fiendishness.
“It’s this way,” Bausiney said.
At the end of the platform the footman loaded luggage into a waiting horse-drawn carriage. His ornate uniform made more sense now, all part of the show. The vehicle was as white as Cinderella’s coach with polished brass fixtures and a gold coronet with pearls and strawberry leaves painted on the door. The top was down, and Marion and Ian were seated inside with the laptop ladies. All of them had wool throws over their legs.
“This is Bella and Cammy.” Marion handed throws to Lilith and Bausiney. “Sisters from Maidstone. They’re stopping at the Tragic Fall for the Handover.”
Lilith sat down on the same side as Bella, the older of the two. If they’d been named in honor of Mr. Trollope’s French sisters – a mean trick by a parent – they’d rebelled against the author’s description. The younger Cammy appeared shy and sweet. Bella regarded Lilith with a distinctly sour expression and a furrow between her eyebrows.
Bausiney eased in between Lilith and Bella. He pushed his hat back and stretched his arms over the back of the seat with a happy grin. He looked less the Mad Hatter and more a glam rocker from the ‘80s, sans mascara.
The footman climbed up to the driver’s perch. “Walk on,” the driver said to the horses.
It felt like being in a story out of Jane Austen – for the first minute. In the next five they hit three ruts in the dirt road, throwing the passengers against each other. This trip was going to be more picturesque than comfortable.
The one-lane road from Tintagos Halt down to Tintagos Village wound down a small hill to a village at the edge of the sea. Dusk had only begun. A few lamps came on in the cottages and shops spread over the few streets, but there was plenty of natural light left in the day.
“It gets dark later here,” Lilith said absently. Bella and Cammy stared as if she’d said a green cow is dancing on the fencepost. Lilith decided they were the very image of Trollope’s French girls.
Bausiney said, “That’s because we’re at higher latitude than you’re used to.” Just then the carriage hit another rut, and the jolt threw Lilith against him.
The desire returned, hot and bittersweet. She had the feeling she knew him, knew his body, remembered it, wanted to press closer, to feel his arms around her. His chest was so broad, his eyes so … actually, he looked happy. Happy to find her practically in his lap.
“Hello there.” The corners of his mouth twitched with ironic amusement.
She pulled away and closed her eyes to concentrate on her breath. Her heart raced. Her body was on fire. This made no sense. She wasn’t even attracted to the great ruddy hulk. Despite the electric sizzle in his touch. She wasn’t attracted to anybody. Not now. She doubted her feelings for Greg – now. But she had believed she loved him. Now she didn’t trust herself.
Gradually the world came into better focus. Seagulls screamed over the bay. Horses’ hooves clump-clumped on soft dirt. Marion chattered with Ian about Sharon. Lilith opened her eyes. No one had noticed.
She could feel Bausiney watching, but if she looked at him she’d lose it. Instead, she looked at the village and the cliffs beyond.
Great gods! Again her heart was in her throat. Just past the village, the oak tree from her dreams clung to the cliffs’ edge. A woman stood beside it.
Despite the distance, Lilith knew it was Elyse. Watching her. Waiting for her.
You’ve come at last.
Find this book at the following places:
Barnes & Noble

About the author:

LK Rigel lives in California with her television-watching cat, Coleridge. (His favorite show is Castle, but he was enthralled by Game of Thrones.) Rigel wrote songs for the 90's band The Elements, scored the independent science fantasy karate movie Lucid Dreams, and was a reporter for the Sacramento Rock 'N Roll News. Her work has appeared in Literary Mama and Tattoo Highway.

Rigel writes the postapocapunk "Apocalypto" series about the end of the world and the new reality in which the gods return to save humanity from itself - and end up fighting with each other.

Her short story "Slurp" about an author with muse problems on Halloween is included in DEADLY TREATS, Anne Frasier's Halloween anthology published by Nodin Press.

Her latest book, GIVE ME, is an adult fairy tale about possession.

Amazon page

Find a list of tour stops at Bewitching Book Tours

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Author Spotlight and Giveaway with Tatiana Vila!

Author Spotlight is a new series that I'm doing to help promote authors. There are so many great authors out there that need more exposure, and there are always readers looking for a new author to try out. This is just a small thing I can do to help others out!

My first Author Spotlight is with Tatiana Vila. Her newest book, Break Away, was just released on October 10th. I'm currently reading it, and really wanted to have my review done to coincide with this post, but it will be coming in a day or two. Until then, I have an interview with Tatiana for you to read - and she is giving away an ebook of Break Away!


When did you begin writing?

I began writing books about three years ago, but I've been writing poems and songs since high school. So as you can see, writing in one way or another has always been an important aspect in my life. It's like therapy. It helps you deal with emotions :)

What would your ideal career be, if you couldn't be an author?

I would love to be an actress or a singer. I know, so cliché, right? But back to real aspirations, I've always dreamed of being a film director. I'm really passionate about movies and all that involves the creation of the movie itself. It's so interesting and creative. But designing book covers has to be my ideal career choice besides writing. I absolutely love doing covers. It's just another way of putting your creative juices to work.

What do you do in your spare time?

I read. A lot. But if I'm not with my Nook or a book between my hands, you can find me composing songs (if you like Kelly Clarkson you might like mine), watching movies, practicing Poi (imagine someone doing fire spinning but with LED lights. Watching this it's really an out-of-this world experience. Practice though, not so much. Expect a lot of bruises) and scaring people. Yep, you heard right, scaring people. Have you seen people's faces and reactions when you do this? Really, it's just too funny.

Which of your characters is your favorite?

In The Ylem (my first book), my favorite character is Caleb. He tugs at my heart strings. I definitely have a weakness for him. In Break Away though, Comus has to be my favorite one. He's so eccentric and funny! I love writing about him. I always have a smile on my face when I do it.

What is your biggest challenge of being an author?

Having tough skin. When you write a book and put it out there for the world to see, you know you'll have bad reviews coming your way. It's just unavoidable. And you think you're ready, you even build a Spartan armor around you for this, but once they come, the blow is always painful and you realize your armor is not as strong as you thought it was. But it's part of being an author, and I'm lucky to say that I have more good reviews that I have bad, so I can't really complain. But like I said, it's always hard to take in.

Do you write series, or do you prefer stand-alone books?

Both actually. Right now I'm only working with a trilogy and a series, but I have the outlines of two stand-alone books ready to be written, and boy, I'm dying to write those. I just wish I had four hands instead two!

How many books have you written?

Two. The first one is The Ylem, which is part of a trilogy named the same, and Break Away, the first book in my new Away series.

What are some of your favorite movies/tv shows?

As for TV shows, I love the Food Network. So if for some miracle I happen to be watching TV, I can be found watching Cupcake Wars, Chopped and Iron Chef. Oh, Hell's kitchen, Project Runway, The Voice and America's Next Top Model, too. I guess I do watch TV, huh?
Regarding my favorite movies, I honestly can't think because there are so so many! So I'll be boring and tell you I really don't know.

Who is your favorite author?

Oh no. This is way too hard. There are so many, but I'm pretty contemporary. J.K.Rowling, Paulo Coelho, Richelle Mead, Masaru Emoto, Rachel Caine, Cassandra Clare, Karen Marie Moning, Chloe Neill--just to name a few.

What are you currently working on?

I'm working on Alluvion, the second book in The Ylem trilogy. I'm so excited about this one! So many things happen in here. It's really a rollercoaster of emotions!

About the author:

When not writing, glued to my husband, Mr. Keyboard, or reading books into oblivion, I can be found watching tacky reality shows, singing in the shower, eating way too many Wonka candies, and fantasizing about my next book (and boy, are there plenty of those!) My motto: let the mind run wild.

Find Tatiana at her blog here:

Ice Queen. That's what everyone calls Dafne at school. The girl with the striking looks of a Raven Princess but whose cold-steeled touch freezes everyone in her way. Her reputation works for her and she even likes it. People don't mess with her—except for her sister's infuriatingly handsome boyfriend, Ian, who loves pushing her subzero temper to its limits.

Life in Berryford is flowing exactly as she wants it—no drama, no boy trying to get into her pants—until she starts noticing odd, glazed-eyed students everywhere. Something weird is happening and, unusual enough for her, she needs to find out why. But when people start falling into a coma with no reason, among them Dafne's sister, she decides to take the matter in her hands, because if her intuition is right, this isn't something doctors or virologists can fight. This is something…more.

With frustration and guilt leading her way, and Ian forcing himself to her side, Dafne will step onto a road that'll open her eyes to why ignorance is bliss, why hate is so close to love, and why our imagination might be the most dangerous weapon ever known.

Available at the following places (for only 99 cents):

Giveaway! Want to read Break Away? Tatiana is giving away an ecopy of Break Away to one lucky reader. To enter the giveaway, comment on this post with your email address so we can get in touch with you if you win. Contest open through October 27th!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog Tour De Force - including a giveaway!!

Have you heard of Blog Tour De Force? During October 17th - 22nd, twelve authors battle it out to see who gets the most blog comments. Each author will have sponsors to help promote them, and I am sponsoring author Belinda Boring. Each person that comments on my blog, Belinda's blog, and/or the blogs of other sponsors will receive Belinda's ebook Cherished. Yep, you read that right - EACH person wins! Read my review HERE. Am I making any sense at all? Because I'm posting this really late and my Unisom has already kicked in. I'm feeling woozy and already have myself confused. You'll be even more confused once you find out that all the authors are masquerading as each other, and you get to try and guess who everyone is...

To make things MORE exciting - over on Belinda's blog, you can enter to win an awesome gift basket filled with goodies:

Want MORE excitement? Every comment on any of our blogs during this whole tour will be entered into a drawing for a Kindle! Whew - I better stop with all this excitement before I pee my pants. I could really use a Kindle. I wonder if I qualify... Well, anyway - check out the website for Blog Tour De Force to find what all authors are participating. You can get 12 ebooks for free!!!

For a moment, Darcy almost convinced herself the last twelve hours didn’t happen. As image after image hits her, the sinking realization of all she’s lost overwhelms her and all she can think of is to run. Run far away where her shame can’t find her, and most of all, where she’ll never have to see the look of blame in Mason’s eyes. Feeling like a complete failure, she scrambles to make plans. But the voice of her mate-to-be penetrates her frantic thoughts, asking for the chance to show her just how much she is loved.

It hurts Mason deeply to hear Darcy’s thoughts, knowing the events of the previous night have completely rattled her. Grieving over the death of his beloved sister Jasmine, Mason knows he has to act fast. Darcy is all he’s ever wanted and the idea of life without her is unacceptable. Armed with his unswerving love and wolfish charm, he sets out to remind Darcy just how valuable she is and why there is no one else for him but her.

Can Darcy let go of the shame of failure consuming her or will Mason convince her that after all is said and done, she truly is… Cherished?

Find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords

About the author:

A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.

With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.

Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!