I see that you write in a variety of different genres, which one is your favorite?
Well, paranormal and horror are closely related in my humble opinion. So I like to blend them both and add a dash of romance. But romance is NEVER the focus of the story. It is the journey the main character takes throughout the storyline that is the most compelling. My endings are sometimes bittersweet.
You have beautiful book covers. Did you design them yourself?
Nope. The creative genius of Parajunkee Designs.
How many books have you written?
Seven or eight? Well, completed books anyway.
Did anything specific inspire you to become a writer?
I’ve had a love affair with the written word since I held my first book in my hands.
What would you be doing if you couldn't be a writer?
I’d be sad. Can’t imagine my life without writing.
Do you have any hobbies?
Uh, not really. I play the Sims 2 on my PC. LOL Oh!—I love to go to the movies. Scary movies are my favorite. And watching my recorded TV shows: SUPERNATURAL, Vampire Diaries, TrueBlood, Game of Thrones, and I can’t wait for CW’s new series “The Secret Circle” about witches. Yay!
What do you like/dislike most about being an author?
Like being able to stay home in my PJs all day. Dislike? Nothing!
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough. Falling Under by Gwen Hayes. Revealers by Amanda Marrone. There are just too many to name.
The next segment in the spellbound Series; BEAUTIFULLY HAUNTED. Whispering Pines isn’t out of danger yet and only a teen witch can find a solution! Shiloh decides it's her duty and Destiny (Yes, with a capital “D”) to find out what is causing the unexplained phenomena in her town.
Thanks so much for answering my questions Sherry!
Sherry writes young adult, horror, and paranormal, but no matter what genre she's writing, there has to be an element of romance. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her black cat, Charm. And her cat would like you to know that she’s not a morning person, rarely cooks, and loves all things supernatural.
Please visit her on the web www.sherrysoule.com
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